Small children benefit from a fun, cute space that enriches their brains and is great for their creativity. Parents have the chance to play with bright patterns and designs as they create a new space for their children. Here are some of our tips for designing a cute children’s bedroom in a way your little one will love.

Play With Fun Patterns

Children’s bedrooms are the perfect opportunity to play with wild patterns. Choosing a mixture of fun patterns and cozy textures can create a safe and exciting space for your child to call their own. Animal print fabric can function as a surprisingly grounding option for a child’s bedroom; it’s a natural pattern that complements bolder wall colors and combats bright plastic toys.

Add a Little Whimsey

After your child has graduated out of the nursery, their new room should play a role in their rapidly developing mind and imagination. Bringing whimsey and playfulness into the room’s design and décor lets your child’s mind wander into exciting worlds as they play.

Monochromatic stuffed toys to match a room’s color scheme can serve both as décor and accessible play options. A chalkboard wall also gives your little artist a canvas to express their creativity without getting in trouble. Tactile night lights are another imaginative, cute thing to add to a space.

Don’t Forget the Ceiling

We may spend a lot of our design process thinking about what our children can reach at their height, but not what they see from down there. A fantastic place to dedicate decorating energy is the ceiling of your child’s room. When your child looks up, a ceiling with layered paper honeycomb balls and suspended lightweight toys adds significant depth to the space. Ceiling decorations are another opportunity for parents to add to a color scheme and personality of a room.

Using these tips for designing a cute children’s bedroom will give you the foundation for a long-lasting interior design perfect for their early years. One way to help your child fall in love with their new room is to let them have a hand in the decision-making! Consider giving your child a small, pre-approved handful of wallpapers or fabric patterns to choose from or let them choose some pieces of décor that they will love.